Saturday, December 11, 2010

crab and mushroom pasta.

it's one of those fridays where i do not eat any meat except seafood for religious reasons.
and it's also one of those days where you think to yourself; i really want to have MEAT.

then you wonder how do vegetarians survive without eating meat at all?

i think the answer is mushrooms. and lots of it.

you wouldn't believe how magically meaty mushrooms can turn a meal into. if you cook it right, you'd probably be more satisfied with eating mushrooms than meat. i also wanted to explore the idea of incorporating crab meat (not that kind of processed artificial crab meat) in a tomato based pasta.

it went really well.

(serves 2 generously)

150g cornish crab meat
100g chestnut/closed cap mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 can chopped tomatoes
a bunch of coriander/parsley
3 cloves of garlic, minced
(optional: 1 small onion, chopped)
salt and pepper for seasoning
half a pack of spaghetti, broken into half

in a hot pan, fry up the garlic in olive oil until fragrant. tip in the mushrooms and let it soften with some salt before adding the crab meat. let it fry for a bit before adding in the tomatoes. while simmering, flavour with salt and pepper.
in the mean time, bring a pot of water to boil, adding salt and oil before cooking the pasta. give it about 8 minutes before draining the pasta and pour it into the simmering sauce. add in coarsely chopped coriander or parsley and plate up.

sprinkle more coriander/parsley before serving.

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